Monday, August 30, 2010

The Abstract

I found a new app called Diptic which allows you to couple multiple photos into a single image. It's great for creating a montage or a photo series.

One of the fun things to do with an app like this is to put together a group of abstract images that together give a hint of a complete image or sense of place.

I'm sure most New Yorkers will instantly recognize the "place" I've conveyed in the images above.


P.Shaw said...

that's nice! but what about doing it the old way?

Gittar said...

I totally would love to do it the old way. Just need a larger space to spread it all out to cut it up. :)

P.Shaw said...

ahhh, well, maybe I didn't mean THE old fashioned way. I meant, just doing it in Photoshop. Here's my experiments: